A Unique Church
God has blessed us with living and ministering in beautiful Dillingham, AK on the southwest Alaska coast 350 miles SW from Anchorage. Dillingham boasts the largest salmon fishery in the world and thus fishermen come from all over the world to fish the Bristol Bay waters. Surrounded by mountains, lakes and rivers, tundra, forests, and coastline makes Dillingham a wonderful part of God’s creation.
Dillingham Moravian Church is a unique congregation as the church is made up of half caucasian members and half Yupik and Aleut with the church services in English. However, we are blessed to have Yupik special music in the morning service. DMC also has various ministries serving the community and has several missionaries reaching out to the world with Christ’s Word. We are a church dedicated to faithfully teaching God's Word and to training Christ's disciples to live out His Word through our ministries, in the community and in our family life.
The history of the Dillingham Moravian Church is different than any other Moravian Church in the Alaska Province. Among 22 Moravian congregations in southwestern Alaska, it is the only congregation that is predominately English speaking; therefore all services, meetings, and ministries are conducted in English. Although many Natives participate in the services, most of them are bilingual or speak English exclusively.
The uniqueness of DMC is that it is perceived by many as a non-denominational denomination. It is inclusive rather than exclusive. This appeals to many, resulting in DMC members, associate members, and non-members coming together from other mainline denominations. These worship freely in "God's church" centered on and unified under the Word of God. They come from the Seventh Day Adventist, Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, Church of Christ, Congregationalist, Assembly of God, Roman Catholic, Russian Orthodox and many other church backgrounds.
The Moravian Church itself is unique due to its style of worship and simplicity. During the year, DMC practices an annual Candlelight & Lovefeast service which is a meaningful tradition. Other services include an annual Christmas Program, Watchnight service, Easter Week Bible Readings, Maundy Thursday Communion, Good Friday observance, and the yearly Easter Sunrise service and breakfast.
Dillingham is unique in that it is placed near the rich salmon grounds in Bristol Bay and the fisheries constitute the economic base for the area. As the regional center of Bristol Bay, Dillingham serves as the center of commerce, health, education, air transportation and governmental services.